Thursday, 17 January 2013


Hello peeps..

Ramai wanita sekarang sudah tahu tentang kebaikan PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL CORSET tp ada jugak yg masih tak tahu untuk apa sebenarnya premium beautiful ni... Sebenarnya mind set org kita ni bila sebut je pasal Corset smua akan cakap yg corset untuk orang yang nak kurus je TAPI sebenarnya tidak dengan PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL CORSET ni kita untung kerana dia dicipta untuk kecantikan dan kesihatan (2 in 1) 70% for healthy and 30% for beauty BONUS tak bagi sesiapa yang memakai? Kan..tau pon bonus kan..hehe takpe jangan menyesal dulu sebab masih belum terlambat nak dapat bonus nye tu.. =)
Ok la, taknak cerita banyak sebab hari ni nak tunjukkan testimoni untuk backpain ni tengok tajuk pon da tau kan..Ok ni cerita betul tau dari kawan Sha sendiri, Kak Intan namanya.. Sha copy paste dari blog dia jela ye... p/s: credit to Kak Intan =)

My True Story : Backpain

My story is real. It is about me battling with my backpain since 2008. It all started when i accidentally fell down at the stairs of my house while carrying my 2nd child who was 8 months old at that time. Mother's instinct to protect my baby, i chose to fell sitting down in full force, landing on my butt with my entire weight of 62kg + 7kg. The pain? I was in daze for a few second. Tomorrow morning i went to the hospital and he doctor gave me a jab to ease the pain. I was advised to undergo x-ray procedure but i ignored it. Since then the pain would come off and on. But it got worse. 

In 2010, 2 years after i fell i was about to lift up my 2nd child who was crying at that time and suddenly my back just snapped and my, the PAIN!!! I cant move. I just lie down and cry because the pain was so excruciating that i didnt even have the energy to call out my husband! Eventually we went to the hospital, again - i was given a jab and 3 days MC for bed rest. And i was supposed to go for a family holiday in Hong Kong in 2 days time. Sooo, we just went for the holiday.. 

Kudos to KLIA n MAS who provided temporary wheelchair to assist me. Since walking slowwwwwwly hurts like hell.
Very pale me, even sitting down hurts. 

Sightseeing in Hong Kong using a tongkat to ease the pressure at my back when walking.

Me with the tongkat

Luckily the hotel in HK provided a wheelchair FOC for 4 days when we were there!
My dear hubby with his OKU wife

Having fun with my girls in Hong Kong Disneyland.


But that was in 2010. after that I suffered 2 more years with series of similar events until when a friend updated her FB status saying that Premium Beautiful corset do heal backpain with its FIR technology. So i decided to contact her and the rest is history. After mere 2 months of wearing PB i am now free of the pain. 

The best part, i now enjoy what i love most - holidaying, yeah!

Early 2012 : Holiday in Mabul. Actvities including snorkerling and diving .

Ok, dah tamat pon ceritanya..hehe macam mana semua? Tugas Sha hanyalah share je dan terpulangla kepada diri masing-masing ok.. Tiada paksaan untuk PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL CORSET product ni tau.. Nanti Sha share untuk testimoni lain pula ye.. thanks 

But if you want to know more about this amazing product do contact me ya. 013-2101032 or 017-2809304 (call/sms) or drop me a mail to

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